17 Maret 2010

Windows 7 is very beautifull

Some time ago Windows 7 Beta has been released. Millions of people around the world trying to live right joined the new version of Windows that is. There also are still loyal to the old versions of Windows, such as Windows XP. For those of you who still want to use Windows XP but want to try all the beauty of Windows 7, this article would be useful for you. Here's how to change themes, icons, boot screen, welcome screen, etc. in Windows XP be like Windows 7. Here's more.
Due to a fairly extreme way, you'll want to activate and create a restore point to prevent the things that are not desirable. Previously, I will explain what will be changed later.

* Windows Theme or Visual Style
* Icon
* Boot Screen
* Welcome Screen
* Taskbar
* Wallpaper
* Shake Aero, Aero and Aero Peek Snap
* Calculator and WordPad
* Additional
Windows Theme or Visual Style
Described here bagimana change the font, toolbar and themes in Windows XP be like Windows 7. But first, the Windows XP you must be first patch using UXTheme Patcher.

* UXTheme Patcher for Windows XP SP2
* UXTheme Patcher for Windows XP SP3
After the patch, then we can modify any display on Windows XP. Download the package by clicking here or here. There are 3 folders that each have different functions.

* Fonts are used to change the default fonts of Windows XP to be Segoe UI. Simply run the file named Fonts.exe to install it.
* Styler Toolbar, is used to change the look and commandbar toolbar in Windows Explorer. Simply run the file named First Install Then Run Me.exe then Me.exe
* Theme, used to change the theme on Windows XP. Simply run the file named Theme.exe to install
And activate all the changes through the Desktop Properties.
Actually, here is the look of Windows XP you have quite changed. But whatever you want to continue to follow the next steps or stop here.
Next we will change the icon. Icon on the Windows 7 the same as the existing icon in Windows Vista that has a high resolution. Necessary to change the icon named Stardock IconPackager applications that can be downloaded here. Unfortunately this application paid. But there's nothing wrong if we try. Then download icon it by clicking here and open the file named VistaVG.iconpackage using Stardock IconPackager then apply.
Boot Screen
To change the boot screen, we do not have to use complex and dangerous. Simply by using a replacement boot screen feature of TuneUp Utilities only. Download file his boot screen by clicking here and then open the file by using TuneUp Utilities.
Welcome Screen
To Welcome Screen, we have to replace a file named logonui.exe located in% windir% system32 with the new file can be downloaded here. If you struggle to replace, you can use an application called Replacer which can be downloaded here.
Then we will change the taskbar becomes superbar. What is Superbar? Superbar the taskbar in Windows 7 that only displays the program icon in the list so that more save space. Unlike the previous version of Windows that still displays the name of the program on the taskbar. Follow the ways below to change it.

1. Go to Start-> Run or Win + R
2. Type "regedit" (without the quotes)
3. Access to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \ WindowMetrics

4. Note the right hand column. Create a new string named MinWidth the way and then right click New-> String
5. The contents of his value data with numbers -255
6. Click OK and restart the computer to see the results.
To restore the same, you can simply remove the MinWidth string.
Actually there is another way that is more easily, namely by using the Taskbar named Iconizer application that can be downloaded here. The way these applications work together with the registry trick has been described previously. But is not that difficult way more challenging?
Windows 7 has a simple wallpaper but pleasing the eye. Not like the wallpaper in Windows Vista that looks complicated. Below I will provide the download link default wallpaper in Windows 7.

* 1600 x 1200
* 1920 x 1200
Shake Aero, Aero and Aero Peek Snap
Perhaps these words sound familiar to you. Therefore, I will explain your understanding in advance.
Shake Aero is a feature in Windows 7 that allows us to minimize all windows are disabled simply by shaking the active window. For example we are working with many windows, but we use it only 1 time only and we want to minimize all windows are disabled then we simply shake it the active window. Download Aero Shake here.
Aero Snap is a feature in Windows 7 that allows us to minimize and maximize a window simply by sliding to one side of the monitor. Download Aero Snap here.
Aero Peek is a feature in Windows 7 that allow us to display the desktop and create applications that are running in a small box that can diintip what it is when we direct the pointer on it. Almost similar to the Show the Desktop feature. Download Aero Peek here.
Calculator and Wordpad
Applications built on the Windows 7 experience a change in the GUI such as Calculator which has 3 modes of calculation and WordPad has embraced the concept of ribbon. Now Windows XP users can even feel it just by adding a few small applications.
For the Calculator, it just looks that can be applied to Windows XP and its features remain as before. Download Calculator here.
To Wordpad, Windows XP users can feel as WordPad in Windows 7 are already using the concept of ribbon to the menu. Download Wordpad here. But the possibility of making this software, Solo-Dev is no longer providing this application because some time ago there was a secret part of this application provides the main source without including the consequences now closed its download link. But I will keep trying to find Wordpad in 2009 and updating the download link it when it is found.
Please note that the above application running by using the Microsoft. NET Framework. So make sure Microsoft's. NET Framework has been installed on your computer. Recommended version 3.5.
As know that Windows 7 can display the Windows Orb logo just before the welcome screen as well as Windows Vista. Windows XP also can do things like that. Do I follow the steps below.

1. Download the Windows Orb logo here
2. Save in any place and remember where for example in C: \ Startup.bmp
3. Click Start-> Run or press Win + R
4. Type "regedit" (without the quotes)
5. Access to the following key:
HKEY_USERS \. DEFAULT \ Control Panel \ Desktop

6. Note the right hand column and double-click the string name of Wallpaper
7. Change its value data in accordance Startup.bmp storage location. For example fill with C: \ Startup.bmp when his files are stored on drive C
8. Click OK and restart to see the results
Now we will change the look of My Computer. Like Windows Vista, Windows 7 may display the indicators used space and free space on your hard disk. To install Windows XP quite a small application called Vista Drive Status Utility can be downloaded here.
Then we'll change the address bar in Windows XP so that navigation is easier. How to use an application called QTAddressBar that can be downloaded here. But first make sure the Microsoft. NET Framework has been installed previously.
Done already used all the way to change the total look of Windows XP to Windows 7. Actually there are others such as changing the Progress Dialog Box, Shutdown Dialog Box, etc but because the way he is quite difficult so I did not write it down here. (infini3.co.cc)

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